Why Focus on Young Women

More than 75% of Ugandaโ€™s population is below the age of 30, with the country having one of the highest youth unemployment rates (13.3%) in Sub-Saharan Africa (World Bank 2019). Uganda also hosts over 1.5 million refugees and asylum seekers making it the largest refugee hosting country in Africa (UNHCR, 2023). About 80% of the refugees are women and children, 60% are young people, and a majority (91%) live in non-camp-based designated settlements alongside local host communities who have welcomed refugees despite their own local challenges

The Economic Case for Women

  • Between 2000 and 2022, young womenโ€™s contribution to Ugandaโ€™s economy dropped from 34% to 27%
  • The share of young women that are not in employment is 44% compared to 25% for men.
  • Young women also form majority of the poor.
  • Our economy is losing out because a substantial part of the population cannot compete equitably or realize its full potential.
  • If Uganda could improve young womenโ€™s economic participation, we estimate young women could add $11B annually to national economic output by 2030. This estimate is based on a full gender parity scenario, where women contribute to the economy at the same level as men


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